Wednesday 20 April 2011

This week...

This week I have made....

42 stoneground wholemeal rolls
1 Guinness cake
1 Dorset apple cake
1 farmhouse fruitcake
32 breakfast bars, full of fruits, nuts and seeds

11 breakfast trifles. Oats soaked in apple juice, strawberries, honey and yoghurt mixed through with layers of sliced strawberries and blueberries.

1 gluten free trifle

12 banana muffins
12 orange muffins
5 dressings. Hassina, creamy coconut, spicy peanut, tahini and french.

8 portions of baked spinach risotto pie

7 portions of roast vegetables and cous cous (hassina dressing)
7 portions spicy noodle (Peanut sauce)
7 portions mixed bean salad (creamy coconut sauce)
6 portions potato and onion frittata
5 portions falafel (tahini sauce)

Boxes day one awaiting filling


Phew am I glad that's over, absolutely shattered and very very hot!