Saturday 15 May 2021

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme...

I had a quick walk around the garden yesterday, it doesn't take long as its pretty small, but the first thing you notice is the Thyme growing near the kitchen door. Its in flower at the moment and is so pretty. The plant itself is probably outgrowing its space in the bed but its my most used herb and I love having there, just one step out onto the patio whatever the weather.

It was only taking a quiet stroll around that I realised quite how many different herbs I actually have dotted about.  

The bay used to be in a big pot on the patio, but after a number of years it was suffering badly, so a couple of years ago we planted in the bed next to a large rosemary and it has bounced back and is looking great. The only problem we have with the Bay and rosemary is that they are the end of the garden and whenever we want a leaf or two we have to walk across the grass and that's no fun when its dark, wet and muddy. A path is on our ever growing list of things to do.

Theres mint, but that's mostly growing up through the uneven patio slabs, looking a mess and a new sage plant that's so tiny at the moment that it's hardly deserves a mention, but I have high hopes for it throughout the summer. Coriander has been sown and is currently growing in little pots on the spare bedroom windowsill. 


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