Saturday 2 January 2021

New Year, New Start

Thank goodness 2020 is out of the way. 

2020, the year I got to leave work to finally do fun things with the grandchildren, spend time with my mum, go on a cruise, enjoy Black Deer festival and get fit and healthy.....well it didn't turn out as planned for any of us, but we've got through a year that will go down in history and be remembered as possibly the worst year in our lifetimes.   

But looking forward; apart from the obvious hopes of life returning to some sort of normality, for me a major start to my new year has got to be about gaining control of my health and fitness and I need to do this both for my physical and mental wellbeing. 

I want to try to avoid, halt or reverse any further chances of developing deceases that I may either inherit or develop with my current lifestyle. It does include losing weight, quite a lot of weight, but it means more than that. It means putting into practice all the knowledge I've gleaned over the last couple of years through much research, reading and learning along the way. It means having more energy and not feeling like I'm dragging myself around all the time, it means not needing afternoon naps because I'm exhausted from doing nothing all day, it means sleeping through the night rather than just a couple of hours at a time and it means just being happier in my own skin. 

Having lost 2.5 stone 4 years ago on a low carb, low calorie diet I find myself not quite back at where I started but definitely on my way, overweight, sluggish and miserable, but not quite miserable enough to go back to the low carb plan, rather this time around it will be a much healthier way of eating (WOE) and I will be adopting a Whole Food Plant Based diet (WFPB).

To be continued......


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