Monday 1 March 2021

March update and health anxieties.

 A new month and a new update.

  • Weight - Slowly but surely moving in the right direction. 
  • Physical wellbeing - Ok but my health anxieties are taking over.
  • Mental wellbeing - Its not been good.

Weight - I've lost that first 7lbs (half a stone) and that always feels good. Its coming down, even if it is only by half a pound a week. I just need to keep my head in gear and keep up the momentum. 

Physical wellbeing - Not much has been happening on the exercise front, mostly I've just been clearing out the sold house and clearing out the house we live in to accommodate the excess 'stuff'. We've exchanged for completion next week and that will be a massive weight off once its all done and dusted and I can find time for other things to occupy my mind. 

Mental wellbeing - I think physical and mental wellbeing should be lumped together this month. My health anxieties are beginning to rule my life again. For some reason every year at this time is really bad for me. 

I hate being like this, scared of every twinge, looking in the mirror constantly for changes, checking heart rates all the time and looking up Dr Google for any inconsistencies. Not only is it extremely bad for me but it also affects all those around me. I live in a constant fear that there is something terribly wrong until I can get checked out and told I'm ok. This year I can't do that as I can't get an appointment to see a doctor in person, so it's just building up and up. 

I think a lot of my problems could be put down to peri-menopause. Im 56 and still have regular periods, or mostly regular. I have a list of symptoms that have been going on for years but are getting worse each month, from the headaches and sleepless nights, to the aches, pains and anxieties that drive everyone, including myself mad. But I'm hopeful that by next months update I'll be feeling better and back on a more level day to day mental wellbeing.

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