Sunday 6 June 2010

Back to work

I've now been back at work for two weeks and feel like I have never been away. From the word go I have had that awful Monday morning sinking feeling, but its everyday, well all the time if I'm honest. My domestic housewife persona has well and truly left me, I'm more snappy and quite unhappy really. I definitely need to rethink the time that I spend in the office over the next five or six weeks or I might just go insane!!

On the plus side, things are still blooming in the garden, not much grass yet but it will come in time I'm sure.

The climbing rose is now flowering.

More peonies in bud.

The chicken eaten Cistus (Rock Rose) is flowering well, even though the bottom half is completely missing.

The beans are coming up a treat and just look at my beautiful cabbages. One definite benefit of the chickens is the lack of slugs in the garden this year  - perfect.

The herb bed is looking great too.

And along with the french radishes and normal round red ones we also have these beauties ready for the table.

This year I also have flowers that have just popped up out of nowhere. 

A lovely Iris

And in the front garden two different coloured Foxgloves, pink ones and this white one, with its beautiful markings. The bees love them.


  1. Well the first part of this post was sad :(....
    and then you started talking about the wonders in the garden and your mood changed and you sound proud and happy with your achievments there, as you well should be by the looks of it all.
    Just an observation!!!

  2. Sorry to hear things aren't going so well at work...on the upside your garden is impressive..especially your herb patch : )

    I love peonies !

    Gemma X
