So Saturday night this weekend was the hen night. Theme? Drag queens and boy did some of the girls go for it. Rhiannon didn't get a choice though, her dress, hair and makeup were sorted for her, all she had to do was sit there and let it all be done. The result...
Emily had worked so hard on everything, from the arranging of food and drink, to constantly checking that everyone who was due to come did turn up, probably checking up on them a little too much actually, but hey they were all there in the end and finally she could relax.
Everything about the night was supposed to be a surprise for Rhiannon, however, its people that are the problem, first one slip up about where we were going, next about the theme, but one thing remained a surprise, at least that was until Abbey arrived at the house and asked Rhiannon 'What time is the limo coming?'
Below: Emily with her drink and finally a smile on her face.
Emily had arranged for everyone to bring a poem with them, which was a lovely idea. Rhiannon now has things for her keepsake box.
Check out these eyelashes....
And these....
At 10.30 the limo turned up to take us all to Brighton. A disco come karaoke and very very noisy, apparently there were speakers on the outside so that although the M25 was fine, we did make an entrance into Brighton town centre.
Into the nightclub and lots of dancing and a lot of camera flashing...
We arrived just after midnight and kept going until the club shut at 3am and by then we were getting a bit peckish too. But we were in Brighton by the sea, so what better than some chips.
Back in the limo and it was all too much for some....

No sleep for Emily though, she carried on serenading everyone all the way home, with very loud singing, until we arrived back at 5.30am!!!! How they could sleep through that i've no idea.
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